Versions Compared


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Go2Group is please pleased to announce the release of Client Certificate Authentication 3.5.


In general, if you are coming from a previous version of the solution, users will have to revert the installation procedures to remove the current setup. After that:

JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket Server


  1. Retrieve your .jar
  2. Head over to the application's UPM
  3. Upload the .jar
  4. Head over to the application's administration screen and look for CCA Authentication Configuration link
  1. Retrieve the binary from your Jira Issue
  2. Stop Crowd
  3. Replace the Crowd’s applicationContext-CrowdSecurity.xml with Go2Group’s supplied file. This file can be found at $CROWD_INSTALL/crowd-webapp/WEB-INF/classes (make sure that you save / backup a copy of the file in case you need revert / remove the CCA).
  4. Place the ccacwd-x.x.x.jar in $CROWD_INSTALL/crowd-webapp/WEB-INF/lib
  5. Place the ccacwd.license in $CROWD_INSTALL/crowd-webapp/WEB-INF/classes
  6. Start Crowd

Version Matrix

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Version Matrix