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The Goldfinger Holdings Cloud (GF) CRM Application provides tighter collaboration between support teams and sales teams. The CRM Application displays CRM data in Jira issues and Jira data in Salesforce screens, sharing timely knowledge between two otherwise disparate teams, running in a multi-tenant scalable environment that can support all deployed Atlassian customers in a single Kubernetes cluster.
Set API Key in Salesforce:
Once you install and configure Jira, “Getting Started“ tab, at the bottom you will find the API key which we need to configure into Salesforce:
Step 2: Go to Salesforce and open “Plum CRM Authentication Settings.
Step 3: Enter the copiend copied API key into “Jira Api secret“ field and Enter Jira Gateway Server as “
Setup trigger on Custom object
To sync a custom object with Jira we have to set up a trigger on the custom object, please follow the below steps to setup the trigger:
Step 1: Open Developer Console
Step 2: Go to File => New => Apex Trigger
Step 3: Enter any name for the trigger and select the name of custom object you want to sync:
Step 4: Copy and paste the below code inside your trigger and save it.
GHPC.ProcessCustomObject pc = new GHPC.ProcessCustomObject();
pc.sObjectList = trigger.isDelete?;
Note: By default, the trigger will work on “after insert” event, to make trigger work on the Update event just add “after update” keyword for ex:
trigger SyncCustomObjWithJira on GHPC__GFH_Options__c (after insert,after update) {