Step 2: Go to Salesforce and open “Plum CRM Authentication Settings.
Step 3: Enter the copiend copied API key into “Jira Api secret“ field and Enter Jira Gateway Server as “https://crm.goldfingerholdings.onl
Setup trigger on Custom object
To sync a custom object with Jira we have to set up a trigger on the custom object, please follow the below steps to setup the trigger:
Step 1: Open Developer Console
Step 2: Go to File => New => Apex Trigger
Step 3: Enter any name for the trigger and select the name of custom object you want to sync:
Step 4: Copy and paste the below code inside your trigger and save it.
GHPC.ProcessCustomObject pc = new GHPC.ProcessCustomObject();
pc.sObjectList = trigger.isDelete?trigger.old:trigger.new;
Note: By default, the trigger will work on “after insert” event, to make trigger work on the Update event just add “after update” keyword for ex:
trigger SyncCustomObjWithJira on GHPC__GFH_Options__c (after insert,after update) {