Go2Group is please to announce the release of Client Certificate Authentication 3.1.2.
This is a major release with 1 major update. Bitbucket Server is now included as a supported application.
When this app is enabled on Bitbucket, users will not be able to perform Git commands via HTTPS anymore and will be restricted to using SSH protocol to access the actual code
We have now included a Basic mode for configuring the CAC application in JIRA, Confluence and Crowd.
The Basic mode allows administrators to convert the CN from ssl_client_s_dn into an Atlassian username by using a drop down select list. For example, C=US/O=U.S. Government/OU=DoD/OU=PKI/OU=ABC/CN=JOHN.RANDOM.DOE.9999999999 can be converted to:
- john.doe
- jdoe
- johndoe
- 9999999999
- john.middle.doe
For the existing configuration screen that was introduced in version 3.0, it can be found in the Advance mode tab.
At the moment, version 3.1.x only supports JIRA, Confluence and Crowd. We're working hard to release a version of the solution that would work for the rest of the Atlassian applications.