(CRMCLD-1-en) ajax lookup

(CRMCLD-1-en) ajax lookup

ajax lookup

AJAX is a technology used to add real-time interactivity to web screens especially where is a lookup is required on a remote server. In Go2Group's CRM Plugin AJAX is used to facilitate the real-time query of searches of data in your CRM system. For example, to attach a CRM account to a JIRA issue a JIRA user in the create issue screen will start typing the name of the account in the account test field. As they type the account list is changed to match the character they have typed. As they type ?A?, all the accounts starting with A are displayed, and then when they type ?C?, and the accounts that start with ?AC? are displayed, and so forth. Some of us are fast type-ers, so the queries are delayed by 0.75 seconds in case multiple characters are typed in that time frame, eg, typing ?AC? in half a second will only result in one query.

Q: What happens when I enter characters for an account search?
A: The characters typed are saved for 0.75 seconds, a request is then made to the CrmSearch servlet that is a component of the Go2Group's CRM Plugin. The servlet queries your CRM system (unless the query is already in the (CRMCLD-1-en) cache), and the results are returned back to the user's web page in the form of XML. The web page then displays the returned name (specifically the name field) on the account list. If the field has (CRMCLD-1-en) related fields (i.e., the user is searching for accounts and the plugin has been configured to have related field like Contact and Opportunity), then the web page executes another call to the CrmSearch servlet to retrieve the data for the (CRMCLD-1-en) related fields.