(CRMCLD-1-en) (CRMCLD-1-en) User Instructions (2) (2)

(CRMCLD-1-en) (CRMCLD-1-en) User Instructions (2) (2)

Users Instructions

As discussed above in the Introduction there are two primary use cases - create a Case in Salesforce and sync the Case to Jira as a Bug, or create a Bug in Jira and sync the Bug to Salesforce creating a new Case.

Create a Salesforce Case from Jira

For example when you create a Bug in Jira it is automatically synchronized to Salesforce, and the Jira issue now contains a link to the Salesforce Case.


You can also click on “Open CRM Details” to see additional functions.


The “Resync Jira Issue” will sync the issue to Salesforce again (maybe the previous sync failed).

The “Link To CRM” allow you to lookup a record in Salesforce and link it to the Jira issue. The record could be a Case, Account, Contact, or any other type. Configuring a new record type on the “Record Setup” configuration screen will add that record type to this select list.

The “Linked Records” section will show all the Salesforce record linked to this issue. The format of the data displayed can be configured in the “Record Setup” configuration screen

The following illustrates the result of linking an Account to the Jira Issue.



Create a Jira Issue from a Salesforce Case

A Salesforce user can also create a Jira issue by first creating a case in Salesforce. This will then create an issue in Jira - a clone of the Salesforce case. The Case can be synched to Jira automatically using a Case trigger, or manually by pressing the “Sync Jira” link.



Note there is a custom field on the Case record - “Jira Issue Key”. This is used to track the Jira issue that is linked to this Case. Do not edit this field.


Advanced Configuration Options

The CRM Application has many configuration options though the defaults were carefully chosen to ease the initial setup. This section describes the various configuration options.

Getting Started Options

Option Name



Option Name



Customer Information

Person requesting the install



Select Salesforce

Support for other applications will be added in future releases

Salesforce/Application Url

Enter Salesforce Url

https://login.salesforce.com or https://test.salesforce.com

Jira/Sync Service Account

Enter the account id of the Jira service account

If this field is empty the installer account will be used as the service account.

Salesforce/Sync Service Account

Username of Salesforce service account to sync data

This account MUST be reserved for data sync


Salesforce Client Id

Created in the first install step described here

Jira/Jira Projects To Sync

Which projects should be synched to CRM? Leave this empty to sync all projects.


Salesforce/Jira Projects To Sync

Default Jira Project

When creating a new JIRA issue from CRM, if a project is not specified this value is used.

Jira/API Key

A generated field. The api key that is used to push data from Salesforce to Jira.

Enter this value in the Salesforce Custom Setting Authentication Detail.


Record Setup

Option Name



Option Name




Name to uniquely identify this CRM Record Definition


CRM Object

Table name in the CRM database which contains the records that JIRA issues will be linked with.

For example, Case

Jira Object

Jira issue type which contains the record that the CRM issue will be linked with.

For example, Bug

CRM Child Object

If you want to link multiple JIRA issues to a single CRM record you can use a CRM custom object to hold the data from all the linked JIRA issues. One or more JIRA issues will be linked to a single record in the parent object (the 'CRM Object' field) and a record will be created in this child object for each JIRA issue.

For more information see Linking more than one JIRA issue to a Salesforce Record - CRM Plugin for JIRA

CRM Parent Object

If you want to link Salesforce object like Case and Contact specify the parent record type

For example Contact

Jira Issue Key Field

Choose the Salesforce field to store the Jira issue key

Default is Jira_Issue_Key__c

Editable By

Jira user group permitted to change the CRM records linked to an issue.


Viewable By

Jira user group permitted to view the values from the linked Salesforce record


Display Fields

When viewing an issue in JIRA that is linked to CRM, these are the values displayed. You can specify custom screen labels by using parenthesis after each field.

Example: "Name(Name), email_address(Email)". Display multiple fields together using square brackets. Example:

"[FirstName, LastName](Name)"

Name Fields

Name of field(s) used for displaying and sorting this record.


Search Fields

Name of text field(s) used for searching for a CRM record. Used by the CRM search while editing an issue in JIRA.



A URL used to link CRM info on JIRA screens to the record in the CRM system. Put CRM field names inside curly braces where you need to insert CRM values.

For example: https://login.salesforce.com/{Id}. '{Id}' will be replaced with the appropriate CRM record id

Where Clause

A Salesforce SOQL expression used to limit the CRM records that are listed when searching for CRM records on JIRA's CRM Details screen.

Example: Type='Prospect'. Note that the Cron Service is not affected by this setting, it has its own setting below.

Issue Condition

This feature gives you a way to automatically create a new CRM record when a specified condition is met for an issue in JIRA. A new CRM record is only created if the issue is not already linked to a CRM record of this type and the issue meets the condition specified here.

The JQL Picker is used to help the user create a valid JQL and see the search results

Sync Jira Comments To CRM

Always, Sometimes, Never

If set to Sometimes the comment will be synched if the comment body contains the tag #crm

Sync Comments As

Chatter or Case Comments


Sync Comments As

Private or Public


Delete Jira Comments When CRM Comment Is Deleted

Yes or No


Comment Title

An optional title for comments sent to CRM. The tokens {FULLNAME}, {DATETIME}, and {KEY} may be added to the title.


Sync CRM Comments To Jira

Always, Sometimes, Never

If set to Sometimes the comment will be synched if the comment body contains the tag #jira

Delete Jira Comments When CRM Comment Is Deleted

Yes or No


Delete Private CRM Comment After Its Synched To Jira

Yes or No


Comment Title

An optional title for comments sent to Jira. The tokens {FULLNAME} and {DATETIME} may be added to the title.


Sync Jira Attachments To CRM

Always, Never


Sync Attachments To

  1. Notes/Attachments

  2. Case Attachments

  3. Chatter/File(s)

  4. Sub Record Attachments

“Sub Record Attachments” can be used when One Crm To Many Jira is on.

Delete Synched Attachments

Yes or No

Should the CRM attachment be deleted when the related Jira attachment is deleted

Sync Attachments To Jira

Always or Never


Delete Synched Attachments

Yes or No

Should the Jira attachment be deleted when the related CRM attachment is deleted

Field Mapping Options

The Field Mapping configuration shows the fields that will be synched.


Clicking on any Jira field (e.g. Summary) will display the edit screen where the desired fields to map can be selected.

Field Mapping Advanced Options



For the Alpha release the “Delimiter” option is not implemented. A comma is the assumed delimiter. The feature to change the default delimiter will be available soon.

Field Mapping Value Translation

Field values can be mapped to different values.