(v1.2-en) Licensing

(v1.2-en) Licensing

License Fee

  • $6,000.00 per license (US Dollars)
  • A license is considered a "site" license, providing integration between one (1) instance of JIRA and your CRM system
  • License fee includes 12 Months Go2Group Maintenance & Support
    • Go2Group Maintenance includes access to all updates and upgrades during the 12 month maintenance period
    • Go2Group Support includes access to all available support options during the 12 month maintenance period
  •  A 30 day trial license can be obtained by emailing sales@go2group.com.


  • Purchases can be made online through the Go2Group Store, or by purchase order, credit card, or PayPal
  • To start the procurement process, please request a quote from our sales team
  • Go2Group does not release a production key until receipt of payment has been confirmed
  • Credit card/online payments are immediate, and provide the quickest method of procuring a license or maintenance renewal


  • Use of the MS Dynamics CRM plugin for JIRA assumes agreement to the Go2Group EULA (PDF)
  • Please review the Go2Group EULA (PDF) before proceeding