(8.3-en) Test Cases

(8.3-en) Test Cases

There are four sections offered by synapseRT NextGen in a Test Case type record that represents the defined Test Steps, related Requirements, executed Test Plans & contained Test Suites.

Test Step - This section displays the various Test Steps that comprises the Test Case.  Here in this section, you can Organize steps to the desired sequence and record the expected results of each step.  Here in this section, you will also see facilities to export/import steps in CSV format.

Requirement - This section displays the related Requirements for this test case.

Test Plan - This section displays the list of Test Plans along with the cycles in which this Test Case is executed in.  It also provides a quick snapshot of its execution results across cycles in each plan.  In addition,  it also displays the defects raised for this test case in each plan.

Test Suite - This section lists the various Test Suites that contains this Test Case. You can also create/remove associations to Test Suites from here.

Ad hoc Test Run - This section allows user to execute the Test Case independent of Test Plan/Test Cycle, you need not create the formal Test Plan/Test Cycle for Test Case execution when you need to do a casual Ad hoc execution of a Test Case


[Screenshot - UG0020_Test_Case_Ticket_Overall]