(9.4-en) Defining Test Parameters

(9.4-en) Defining Test Parameters

Before a test parameter can be used in any test case, the test parameter and its values must be defined. To define a test parameter, please following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Test Suites" panel from the "Project Overview" page
  2. Switch to "Test Parameters" tab
  3. Specify "Parameter Name" in the textbox and then click the "Add" button

[Screenshot - v9.2_Test_Parameter_Define_Parameter]

Once a test parameter is defined, you can now create values for the test parameter:

  1. Find the test parameter just created
  2. Specify "Parameter Value" in the textbox and click the "Add" button
  3. You can keep going to create multiple values for that particular test parameter 

[Screenshot - v9.2_Test_Parameter_Create_ParameterValue]

Once the test parameter and its values are created, then the test parameter can be used in any test case.