(8.2-en) Clone a Test Cycle
(8.2-en) Clone a Test Cycle
Clone a Test Cycle allows you to duplicate Test Case Runs with their results to a new Test Plan, it helps user to re-execute a group of test cases with a certain test result. For example, user can create a new Test Cycle by cloning with results "Failed", so that in the new Test Cycle, user can find all "Failed" Test Case Runs easily and re-execute them again.
To clone a Test Cycle, following below steps:
- Launch a Test Plan issue.
- Click the "Gear" icon.
- Click "Clone" from the dropdown.
- In "Clone Test Cycle" dialog, update "Name."
- Check "Clone Results" check box, then choose "Results" those will be cloned.
- Click "Clone" button.
Note: All Test Case Runs in the Test Plan will be duplicated in the new Test Cycle.
Test Case Runs' result is initialized to "Not Tested", except the ones with same results as "Clone Results".
[Screenshot - UG82_Test_Plan_issue_Clone_Test_Cycle_01]
[Screenshot - UG82_Test_Plan_issue_Clone_Test_Cycle_02]