(8.1-en) Administration

(8.1-en) Administration

To make synapseRT NextGen fits your team/project well, we provide some configuration items for your chosen. 

Please note that you need JIRA Administrator permission to do any modifications. 


SynapseRT Issues

You are allowed to map other issues types as synapseRT NextGen Requirement and Bug issue types. Once mapping is done, the mapped issue type will get the extensions from the synapseRT NextGen plugin.

To map other issue types, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Administration->Add-ons" from the main menu
  2. Click the "Configuration" link from the left panel under the "SYNAPSERT" section
  3. Select the issue types that you want to map for Requirement and Bug
  4. Click "Save" button.

[Screenshot - UG_AD01_Configure_SynapseRT_Issues]

SynapseRT Projects

You are allowed to enable/disable synapseRT NextGen plugin for your JIRA projects.

synapseRT NextGen panels are visible to projects with the plugin enabled.    

To enable it for your projects, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Administration->Add-ons" from the main menu
  2. Click the "Configuration" link from the left panel under the "SYNAPSERT" section
  3. Move to "SynapseRT Projects" section
  4. Choose projects from "Project" list
  5. Click "Save" button


[Screenshot - UG_AD02_Configure_SynapseRT_Projects]

SynapseRT Roles

synapseRT NextGen provides two kinds of roles, "Tester" and "Test Lead". You can map your own project roles to synapseRT Roles to make users can act as a "Tester" or "Test Lead". 

To map project roles to synapseRT Roles, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Administration->Add-ons" from the main menu
  2. Click the "Configuration" link from the left panel under the "SYNAPSERT" section
  3. Move to "synapseRT Roles" section
  4. Choose your project role for "Tester" and "Test Lead"
  5. Click "Save" button

[Screenshot - UG_AD03_Configure_SynapseRT_Roles]

Permission table:

Test LeadTesterOther
Requirement 'Create' or 'Link parent/child in 'Requirements' panelX
 'Delete' relationship in 'Requirements' panelX
 'Requirement Tree' button in "Requirements' pane
 'Create' or 'Link' Test Case in 'Test Cases' panelX
 'Delete' relationship in 'Test Cases' panelX
 'View Bugs" button in 'Test Cases' panel
Test CaseCreate/Edit/Move/Delete test stepsX
Import test stepsX
Export test steps
Add/Delect requirment linkX
Add/Remove test suiteX
Test PlanAdd/Delete/Move test case member from 'Test Case' panelXX
Modify "Tester" information from 'Test Case" panelXX
Add test cycleXX
Test cycle 'Edit' & Workflow operationsXX
Test Cycle PageBulk Operation & Actions 1 - AssignX
Bulk Operation & Actions 2 - ExecutionX
Modify 'Tester' informationXX
Modify 'Result" informationX
 '<Prev' and 'Next >' buttons
 'Defects' link
 'Attachment' link
 'Search' box
Test Case Run DialogModify 'Result'X
Create/Link bugsX
Modify 'Comments'X
Modify test step result and actual resultX
Create/link bugs to test stepX
Add/Delete attachment to test stepX
Add/Delete attachment to test case runX
 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons
Test Suites PanelAdd/Edit/Move/Delete/Disable/Enable test suiteX
Add/Edit/Delete labelX
 'Add Test Case' to a test suiteX
 'Link Test Case' to a test suiteX
Delete a test case from a test suiteX
Move a test case to different locationX
Move a test suite to different locationX
Delete a test suiteX
Test Plans PanelAll Actions
Traceability PanelAll Actions
SynapseRT Report PanelAll Actions
Gadget PanelAll Actions

Test Case Import

You can import test cases from .csv file. 

Points to remember while importing Test Cases:

  2. SUMMARY is mandatory and others are optional. Optional fields can be ignored altogether
  3. Make sure the headers are in CAPITAL letters
  4. Steps and Expected Results should count like STEP#1,EXPECTED RESULT#1,STEP#2,EXPECTED RESULT#2 etc.,
  5. Providing ISSUE KEY will update the corresponding Issue, if found. It will update Summary, Description and add the steps provided.

To import test cases from .csv file, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Administration->Add-ons" from the main menu
  2. Click the "Test Case Import" link from the left panel under the "SYNAPSERT" section
  3. Choose a project from "Project" dropdown and click "Next" button
  4. Click "Choose Files" button, browse to your test case file (.csv format)
  5. Click "Next" button

[Screenshot - UG_AD04_Test_Case_Import]

[Screenshot - UG_AD05_Test_Case_Import]

As we improved usability of test case import format since release 8.1.2, please find below test case import sample files for different versions: