(8.1-en) Support

(8.1-en) Support

Go2Group provides technical support for its entire line of products, including Go2Group synapseRT. To help resolve your issue quickly, please provide the following information from your JIRA environment in a ticket on our support site.

Looking to set up a complimentary support session with Go2Group? 






In JIRA, Administration > System Info then scroll down to File Path section.

An example path is: /opt/servers/jira/bin/atlassian-jira.log

Please change the log level by adding "log4j.category.com.go2group=DEBUG, console, filelog" in log4j.properties. Restart JIRA and run some test cases. You can find log4j.properties in <JIRA_HOME>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes.

synapseRT Version

JIRA > Administration > synapseRT Configuration



Go2Group technical support is available by telephone, email, and a Go2Group synapseRT-specific customer support ticket system:

  • By ticket: support.go2group.com (Please attach log file above when opening a new ticket)
    • A self-created customer login is required to access the support site above.
  • By telephone: +1 877 442 4669
  • By email: support@Go2Group.com

For sales support, please contact us on:

Complimentary Go2Group Support Assistance

Need assistance via GoToMeeting? We're here to help! Go2Group provides complimentary one-hour support sessions aimed at standing up your implementation of Go2Group synapseRT.

Simply contact us with a few times that you are for one (1) hour over the next few days, and we'll take the next steps to set up a time that is mutually agreeable. In addition to your availability, kindly provide responses to the following questions to help us prepare for our discussion:

  • Your Timezone
  • Version of JIRA
  • Version of Java
  • OS of JIRA Servers
  • Do you have admin access to JIRA, including ability to install files on servers and restart applications?