(8.0-en) Test Plan
Test Plan is a standard JIRA issue type in synapseRT NextGen.
An issue type Test Plan is created automatically upon installing the synapseRT NextGen add-on in JIRA.
Test Plans are made up of Test Cases and Test Cycles.
synapseRT NextGen offers two custom panels in a Test Plan issue by default:
Test Case
Those Test Cases planned for execution will be added to the Test Case section. The user can easily add Test Cases in the project from the JQL box provided. The user can filter Test Cases via JQL and choose multiple Test Cases to add. The user can also remove any unnecessary Test Cases from the list.
Test Cycle
Test Cycle is created when you plan to execute the Test Cases. All Test Cases in Test Plan will be loaded in Test Cycle when execution starts.
We've created Test Cycle to achieve the execution of the same set of Test Cases (planned Test Cases) on several builds and environment (OS, Browser, etc.) combinations at multiple times. Test cycle contains the same set of Test Cases planned in Test Plan, and you can assign Test Cases to different testers within Test Cycle.
Relationships between Test Plan, Test Cycle, and Test Case
To run Test Cases from your project, you need to create a Test Plan and choose Test Cases to be executed by a team. Mostly, the same set of Test Cases in a Test Plan need to be executed multiple times in different versions/builds and environments (OS/Browsers); this way you can have multiple Test Cycles created in Test Plan and start executing them against build and environment combinations. Test Case Execution will start from a Test Cycle.
[Illustration3: Relationships between Test Plan, Test Cycle and Test Case]