(9.7-en) Version 9.7
(9.7-en) Version 9.7
Release Notes
- SYNAPSENG-3367 [Gadget]: Remove '(%)' from table header from any gadget to make a better UI.
- SYNAPSENG-3308 [Test Run]: Improve the UI for 'Attachment' feature in Test Run.
- SYNAPSENG-3265 [Test Run]: Support 'Copy and Paste' to add attachment in a Test Run.
- SYNAPSENG-3237 [Report][Gadget]: Introduce 'Only show the latest result' if the same test case executed in multiple Test Cycles.
- SYNAPSENG-3217 [JQL]: JQL to fetch the latest execution results from a Test Plan cross its multiple Test Cycles.
- SYNAPSENG-3156 [Requirement]: There should be a 'Loading...' icon to show the query is still in progress.
- SYNAPSENG-3152 [Test Case]: Text box size should follow the size (rows) of contents inside it, it should display all its contents once it is in 'Edit' mode.
- SYNAPSENG-3150 [Test Run]: Some UI improvements for 'Test Run' dialog.
- SYNAPSENG-3008 [Import]: Improve Test Case Importer to make it align with Jira Issue Importer.
- SYNAPSENG-2937 [Test Case][Import]: Updating existing issues from 'Importer' should align with Jira native importer.
- SYNAPSENG-2799 [Configuration]: Add console output if a 'Upgrade Task' is running after upgrading.
- SYNAPSENG-2378 [Customer][SynapseRT Reports]: Freeze 'Test Case' column in 'Test Plan Execution Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-1897 [Gadget]: Add 'Grand Total' for 'Test Case Executions by Tester' and 'Test Case Executions by Field'.
- SYNAPSENG-1172 [Customer][Test Suite]: Save configuration file after Test Case importing.
- SYNAPSENG-161 [Test Plans]: Improve "Resolved Plans" tab to align with 'Unresolved Test Plans'.
Bug Fixes:
- SYNAPSENG-3368 [Report]: Save Configuration is not working in Test Cycle Report
- SYNAPSENG-3365 [Requirement]: Warning message is keep on reappearing even after clicking "refreshed" link
- SYNAPSENG-3363 [Report]: The executions done prior than 'Planned Start Date' is not showing up in 'Test Case Burndown Chart' gadget.
- SYNAPSENG-3362 [Performance][Test Plan] Communication Breakdown Error
- SYNAPSENG-3359 [Test Case]: Content selection doesn't work well if test step is in 'Edit' mode.
- SYNAPSENG-3358 [Performance]: Improve page loading performance for 'Requirement' page.
- SYNAPSENG-3327 [Requirements]: Test Case will be cloned multiple times if the same one linked to multiple Requirement issues.
- SYNAPSENG-3322 [Test Cycle]: The new added Test Cases in Test Cycle don't have 'Sprint' value loaded.
- SYNAPSENG-3302 [Test Suite]: Bulk operation doesn't work correctly if JQL is applied in Test Suite page.
- SYNAPSENG-3247 [Configuration]: 'Color Selection' pane doesn't pop up after clicking the color block.
- SYNAPSENG-3198 [Report]: 'Test Cycle' selections are not cleaned after changing 'Test Plan' in 'Test Plan Execution Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-3188 [Agile Integration]: Comments icon is NOT clickable, the behavior is not aligned with 'Test Cycle' page.
- SYNAPSENG-3175 [IE][Report]: Report icon for 'Requirement Coverage Report' cannot be loaded.
- SYNAPSENG-3089 [Performance]: There is time delay when switch from 'Overview' to 'Unresolved Plans' tab.
- SYNAPSENG-2451 [Customer][Performance]: It takes too much time to load 'Test Suite View' mode.