(9.7-en) Assign Testers from Test Cycle level
(9.7-en) Assign Testers from Test Cycle level
Open a Test Cycle from a Test Plan issue; from the Test Case section, just select a user from the "Tester" column for a single Test Case.
Note: if you want to clean existing "Tester" information, just clean the texts and then save.
[Screenshot - UG0045_Test_Plan_issue_Assign_Testers_Test_Cycle_Level]
You can also select multiple Test Cases at one time, and assign them to a Jira user.
Note: if you want to clean existing "Tester" information, please type "Unassigned" and then click "Assign".
[Screenshot - UG0046_Test_Plan_issue_Assign_Testers_Test_Cycle_Level_Multiple]
, multiple selections available,