This documentation explains the list of publicly available REST API in synapseRT NextGen to perform the products own actions via programmatically.
Add Test Cases to Test Plan
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/addMembers
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully added to the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Add Test Cycle to Test Plan
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/addCycle
"name":"Sample Cycle",
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycle is successfully added to the Test Plan
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Update Test Cycle Status
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/wf/{action}
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycle status is updated successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Update Test Run
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/updateTestRun
"comment":"Updated through REST"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run is updated successfully
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Link Bug to Test Run
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/linkBugToTestRun
STATUS 200 Returned if the Bug is successfully linked to the Test Run
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Test Cycles in a Test Plan
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycles
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cycles are successfully retrieved
"name": "REST API Cycle 1",
"id": 16,
"environment": "Firefox",
"status": "Active",
"deleteable": false,
"active": true,
"aborted": false,
"cycleStartedDate": "2017-01-25T15:05:13.670+0800",
"plannedStartDate": "2017-01-25",
"plannedEndDate": "2017-01-25",
"build": "",
"draft": false
"name": "REST API Cycle 2",
"id": 17,
"environment": "Chrome",
"status": "Completed",
"deleteable": false,
"active": false,
"aborted": false,
"cycleStartedDate": "2017-01-25T15:15:39.997+0800",
"cycleCompletedDate": "2017-01-25T15:15:54.513+0800",
"plannedStartDate": "2017-01-26",
"plannedEndDate": "2017-01-26",
"build": "",
"draft": false
"name": "REST API Cycle 3",
"id": 18,
"environment": "IE 11",
"status": "Aborted",
"deleteable": false,
"active": false,
"aborted": true,
"cycleStartedDate": "2017-01-25T15:16:01.577+0800",
"cycleCompletedDate": "2017-01-25T15:16:05.143+0800",
"plannedStartDate": "2017-01-27",
"plannedEndDate": "2017-01-28",
"build": "",
"draft": false
"name": "REST API Cycle 4",
"id": 19,
"environment": "Safari",
"status": "Draft",
"deleteable": true,
"active": false,
"aborted": false,
"plannedStartDate": "2017-01-28",
"plannedEndDate": "2017-01-30",
"build": "",
"draft": true
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Test Runs in a Test Cycle
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/testRuns
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully retrieved
"ID": 1,
"summary": "Case 1",
"status": "Failed",
"testCaseKey": "TP-3",
"executedBy": "admin",
"ID": 2,
"fileName": "atlassian-jira (1).log",
"mimeType": "application/octet-stream"
"id": 10100,
"key": "TP-6",
"summary": "bug"
"executionTimeStamp": "2016-04-29T19:15:57.105+0530"
"ID": 2,
"summary": "Case 2",
"status": "Not Tested",
"testCaseKey": "TP-4",
"executedBy": "admin",
"id": 10100,
"key": "TP-6",
"summary": "bug"
"id": 10300,
"key": "TP-9",
"summary": "test 1"
"id": 10301,
"key": "TP-10",
"summary": "bug-2"
"executionTimeStamp": "2016-04-29T11:06:30.011+0530"
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Test Runs in a Test Cycle with Cycle ID
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleId}/testRunsByCycleId
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Runs are successfully retrieved
"ID": 1,
"summary": "Case 1",
"status": "Failed",
"testCaseKey": "TP-3",
"executedBy": "admin",
"ID": 2,
"fileName": "atlassian-jira (1).log",
"mimeType": "application/octet-stream"
"id": 10100,
"key": "TP-6",
"summary": "bug"
"executionTimeStamp": "2016-04-29T19:15:57.105+0530"
"ID": 2,
"summary": "Case 2",
"status": "Not Tested",
"testCaseKey": "TP-4",
"executedBy": "admin",
"id": 10100,
"key": "TP-6",
"summary": "bug"
"id": 10300,
"key": "TP-9",
"summary": "test 1"
"id": 10301,
"key": "TP-10",
"summary": "bug-2"
"executionTimeStamp": "2016-04-29T11:06:30.011+0530"
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPlanIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Add Test Steps to a Test Case
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/addSteps
"step":"Login with valid username and password",
"stepData": "It is step data A for testing",
"expectedResult":"Successful Login"
"step":"Check if Dashboard is loaded",
"stepData": "It is step data B for testing",
"expectedResult":"Default Dashboard successfully loaded"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Steps are successfully added to the Test Case
"step":"Login with valid username and password",
"expectedResult":"Successful Login",
"step":"Check if Dashboard is loaded",
"expectedResult":"Default Dashboard successfully loaded",
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Test Steps of a Test Case
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/steps
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Steps are successfully retrieved from the Test Case
"step":"Login with valid username and password",
"expectedResult":"Successful Login",
"step":"Check if Dashboard is loaded",
"expectedResult":"Default Dashboard successfully loaded",
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Link Test Case to a Requirement
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/linkTestCase
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully linked to the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Add Child Requirements to a Requirement
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/addChildren
STATUS 200 Returned if the Child Requirements are successfully linked to the Requirement
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Test Cases in a Test Plan
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testplanIssueKey}/members
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Cases are successfully retrieved from the Test Plan
"ID": 1138,
"tcId": 15414,
"tpId": 15416,
"testCaseKey": "SPC-1",
"testCaseSummary": "Verify if the user name is correct"
"ID": 1140,
"tcId": 15415,
"tpId": 15416,
"testCaseKey": "SPC-2",
"testCaseSummary": "Verify if the age name is correct"
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testPaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Test Run Details
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/{runID}
Please note that runID doesn't include the prefix 'TR'.
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Details are successfully retrieved
"ID": 3149,
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct",
"status": "Failed",
"lozenge": "aui-lozenge ",
"testerName": "cma",
"comment": "<p>This Test Case is failed.</p>",
"testCaseKey": "FRS-15",
"testCaseId": 15714,
"type": 0,
"testRunDetails": {
"testRunSteps": [
"ID": 15173,
"step": "Login 'FRS' system valid u/p.",
"expectedResult": "User logged in successfully.",
"status": "Passed",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [],
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"ID": 15174,
"step": "Choose any ticket and click on '*Purchase*' button.",
"stepData": "",
"expectedResult": "It redirects to 'Purchase' page.",
"status": "Passed",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [],
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"ID": 15175,
"step": "Specify your ID and Name in '{color:red}Passenger Name{color}' section.",
"stepData": "",
"expectedResult": "",
"status": "Passed",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [],
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"ID": 15176,
"step": "Click 'Check' button. ",
"expectedResult": "It returns an error: 'Your ID and Name are inconsistent, please check again!'.",
"actualResult": "It is failed due to FRS-23",
"status": "Failed",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"testRunStepAttachments": [
"ID": 61,
"fileName": "Performance_Manage_REQs_Loading_Issue.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"ID": 15177,
"step": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n!Image_for_DEMO_Purpose.png|thumbnail!",
"stepData": "",
"expectedResult": "*Below is an inline image for Step 5:*\n!Image_for_DEMO_Purpose.png|thumbnail!",
"status": "Failed",
"testRunStepBugsWrapper": [
"id": 15919,
"key": "FRS-52",
"summary": "[] Regression - Defect 3 (Improvement)"
"testRunStepAttachments": []
"automationRunSteps": [],
"testRunHistory": [
"activityType": "Status",
"activity": "Passed",
"executorName": "Cheney Ma",
"executionTime": 1478160384762,
"testRunId": 3149
"activityType": "Status",
"activity": "Failed",
"executorName": "Cheney Ma",
"executionTime": 1478160387086,
"testRunId": 3149
"activityType": "Issue",
"activity": "+ FRS-23",
"executorName": "Cheney Ma",
"executionTime": 1478160401266,
"testRunId": 3149
"activityType": "Issue",
"activity": "+ FRS-52",
"executorName": "Cheney Ma",
"executionTime": 1480489278071,
"testRunId": 3149
"testRunBugs": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 15919,
"key": "FRS-52",
"summary": "[] Regression - Defect 3 (Improvement)"
"testRunAttachments": [
"ID": 62,
"fileName": "Performance_Manage_REQs_Loading_Issue.jpg",
"mimeType": "image/jpeg"
"prevRunId": 3148,
"nextRunId": 3150
"bugs": [
"id": 15722,
"key": "FRS-23",
"summary": "There is no error returned."
"id": 15919,
"key": "FRS-52",
"summary": "[] Regression - Defect 3 (Improvement)"
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runID provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Update Test Run Step Result
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/updateStep/
"runStepId":2, "result":"Failed", "actualResult":"Updated via REST with bugs", "bugs":["FRS-23"]
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Step Result is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the runStepId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Update Test Run Result with runId
POST /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/update
"runId":"3179", "result":"Failed", "comment":"This Test Case is failed.", "bugs":["FRS-23"]
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Step Result is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the RunId provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Update Test Step with ID
PUT /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{issueKey}/updateStep
"ID":"67", "step":"Step 1", "expectedResult":"Result 1", "stepData":"Data 1"
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Run Step Result is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the ID provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Delete Test Step with ID
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{issueKey}/deleteStep/{stepId}
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case Step is successfully updated
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the ID provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get All Child Requirements from a Requirement
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/getChildren
STATUS 200 Returned if the Child Requirements are successfully retrieved from the Requirement
"id": 15701,
"key": "FRS-2",
"summary": "Credit Card Validation"
"id": 15704,
"key": "FRS-5",
"summary": "Passenger Information Validation"
"id": 15702,
"key": "FRS-3",
"summary": "Valid Bank"
"id": 15703,
"key": "FRS-4",
"summary": "Valid Card Owner"
"id": 15705,
"key": "FRS-6",
"summary": "Registered User"
"id": 15706,
"key": "FRS-7",
"summary": "Not Registered User"
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Linked Requirements from a Test Case
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/linkedRequirements
STATUS 200 Returned if the linked Requirements are successfully retrieved from the Test Case
"id": 15703,
"key": "FRS-4",
"summary": "Valid Card Owner"
"id": 15701,
"key": "FRS-2",
"summary": "Credit Card Validation"
"id": 15704,
"key": "FRS-5",
"summary": "Passenger Information Validation"
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Delete Requirement Associations from a Test Case
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/deleteLinkedRequirements
STATUS 200 Returned if the Requirement Associations are successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the testCaseIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Get Linked Test Cases from a Requirement
GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/linkedTestCases
STATUS 200 Returned if the linked Test Cases are successfully retrieved from the Requirement
"id": 15714,
"key": "FRS-15",
"summary": "Return error if name is not correct"
"id": 15715,
"key": "FRS-16",
"summary": "Return error if age is not correct"
"id": 15716,
"key": "FRS-17",
"summary": "Return error if sex is not correct "
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error
Delete Test Case Associations from a Requirement
DELETE /rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/deleteLinkedTestCases
STATUS 200 Returned if the Test Case Associations are successfully deleted
STATUS 403 Returned if the user is not authorized perform the action or there is no valid license
STATUS 404 Returned if the requirementIssueKey provided is not found
STATUS 500 Returned if there is any validation error with input data or any unknown Internal Server Error