(9.7-ja_JP) バージョン 9.6.5
(9.7-ja_JP) バージョン 9.6.5
リリース ノート
- SYNAPSENG-3324 [Requirement]: Introduce "Integrity Check" -> "Requirements" feature in admin section.
- SYNAPSENG-3326 [Requirements]: Requirement Import can be done with issue types those don't exit in Jira.
- SYNAPSENG-3325 [Test Suite]: Test Suite progress bar hung while move or copy Test Suite with a duplicate Test case in the target
- SYNAPSENG-3314 [Test Case]: 'Test Iterations' dialog box resized when an invalid operations is done, it causes 'Close' button is gone from screen.
- SYNAPSENG-3311 [Test Suite]: 'Test Suite' value is not generated in exported file from Jira search page.
- SYNAPSENG-3154 [Requirement]: Sometimes numbering is corrupted for in 'Requirements' pages.
- SYNAPSENG-2598 [Performance]: 'Status:0[Error: timeout]' message appears after clicking 'refreshed' link.
- SYNAPSENG-2449 [Customer][Performance]: It takes more and more time when 'Copy Test Suite' action increases.
- SYNAPSENG-2353 [Customer][Requirement]: 'Sub-Task' is created even only 'Links' option is selected from 'SynapseRT Clone'.
- SYNAPSENG-2339 [SynapseRT Reports]: Defect hyperlink doesn't work in 'Requirement Based Reports / Defect Status Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-2018 [Customer][SynapseRT Reports]: Localized characters cannot be displayed in exported 'Test Plan Execution Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-2011 [Customer][REST API]: TimeStamp generated from 'GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testPlan/{testPlanIssueKey}/cycle/{cycleName}/testRuns' is not readable.
- SYNAPSENG-1787 [Customer][Manage REQs]: The original Requirement which is linked as a Child to Requirement in other project, is not present in the project from where it is created.