(9.6-en) synapseRT JQL Reference
The following JQL functions are offered for synapseRT related searches in your JQL query.
Below are some of the sample usages of testSuite() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in testSuite() | Search Test Cases in any Test Suite |
2 | issue in testSuite('Test Suite Name') | Search Test Cases in a root Test Suite |
3 | issue in testSuite('Test Suite 1/Sub Test Suite') | Search Test Cases in a specific Test Suite (inside root Test Suite) |
4 | issue in testSuite('Test Suite 1','Test Suite 2') | Search Test Cases in more than one specific Test Suite |
5 | issue not in testSuite() | Search Test Cases not in any Test Suite |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasRequirements() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasRequirements() | Search Test Cases those have Requirements associated |
2 | issue in hasRequirements('Issuekey1','Issuekey2') | Search Test Cases those have specified Requirements associated |
3 | issue not in hasRequirements() and type = 'Test Case' | Search Test Cases those have no Requirement associated |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasTestCases() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasTestCases() | Search Requirements those have Test Cases associated. |
2 | issue in hasTestCases('Issuekey1','Issuekey2') | Search Requirements those have specified Test Cases associated |
3 | issue not in hasTestCases() and type = 'Requirement' | Search Requirements those have no Test Case associated |
Below are some of the sample usages of requirementSuite() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in requirementSuite() | Search Requirements in any Requirement Suite |
2 | issue in requirementSuite('Requirement Suite Name') | Search Requirements in a root Requirement Suite |
3 | issue in requirementSuite('Requirement Suite 1/Sub Requirement Suite') | Search Requirements in a specific Requirement Suite (inside root Requirement Suite) |
4 | issue in requiremenSuite('Requirement Suite 1','Requirement Suite 1') | Search Requirements in more than one specific Requirement Suite |
5 | issue not in requiremenSuite() | Search Requirements not in any Requirement Suite |
Below are some of the sample usages of bugsInTestPlan() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in bugsInTestPlan("Issuekey") | Search Bugs those are created from a Test Plan |
2 | issue in bugsInTestPlan('Issuekey1','Issuekey2') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Test Plan Keys issueKey1 and issueKey2. |
Below are some of the sample usages of bugsInCycle() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in bugsInCycle('TestCycleName') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Test Cycle Name. Wild card search allowed. |
Below are some of the sample usages of bugsInTestCase() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in bugsInTestCase('issueKey') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Test Case Key issueKey. |
2 | issue in bugsInTestCase('issueKey1','issueKey2') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Test Case Keys issueKey1 and issueKey2. |
Below are some of the sample usages of bugsInRequirement() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in bugsInRequirement('issueKey') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Requirement Key issueKey. |
2 | issue in bugsInRequirement('issueKey1','issueKey2') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Requirement Keys issueKey1 and issueKey2. |
Below are some of the sample usages of bugsInBuild() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in bugsInBuild('BuildName') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Build Name. |
2 | issue in bugsInBuild('BuildName1','BuildName2') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Build Names. |
Below are some of the sample usages of bugsInEnvironment() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in bugsInEnvironment('EnvName') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Environment Name. |
2 | issue in bugsInEnvironment('EnvName1','EnvName2') | Searches the Bugs associated with the given Environment Names |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasActiveCycle() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasActiveCycle() | Searches all the Test plans which has Active Test Cycle |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasCycleWithBugs() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasCycleWithBugs() | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with Bugs |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasCycleWithUnresolvedBugs() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasCycleWithUnresolvedBugs() | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with Unresolved Bugs |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasCycleWithFailedTestCases() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasCycleWithFailedTestCases() | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with Failed Test cases |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasCycleWithBlockedTestCases() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasCycleWithBlockedTestCases() | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with Blocked Test cases |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasCycleWithUntestedTestCases() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasCycleWithUntestedTestCases() | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with Untested Test cases |
Below are some of the sample usages of hasCyclesOfDefectCount() JQL function. Supported operators "==", ">=" and "<=".
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in hasCyclesOfDefectCount("10") | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with defects count equal to 10. |
2 | issue in hasCyclesOfDefectCount("<=","10") | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with defects count less than or equal to 10 |
3 | issue in hasCyclesOfDefectCount(">=","10") | Searches all the Test Plans which has Test Cycle with defects count greater than or equal to 10. |
Below are some of the sample usages of testPlanMembers() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in testPlanMembers("issueKey") | Searches the Test Cases associated with the given Test Plan Key issueKey. |
2 | issue in testPlanMembers("issueKey","Result") | Searches the Test Cases associated with the given Test Plan and with the given execution result. |
Below are some of the sample usages of childrenOfParentRequirement() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in childrenOfParentRequirement("issueKey") | Searches only the immediate children with the given Requirement Key issueKey. |
2 | issue in childrenOfParentRequirement("issueKey","all") | Searches immediate and its grand children at all levels with the given Requirement Key issueKey. |
Below are some of the sample usages of testPlansForTester() JQL function.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in testPlansForTester("username") | Searches the Test Plans in which a Tester (= username) is assigned. |
Below are some of the sample usages of testCycleMembers() JQL function. Supported operators "==", ">=" and "<=".
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in testCycleMembers('TestPlanIssueKey','TestCycleName') | Searches all Test Case members from specified Test Cycle. |
2 | issue in testCycleMembers('TestPlanIssueKey','TestCycleName','Not Tested') | Searches all 'Not Tested' Test Case members from specified Test Cycle. |
3 | issue in testCycleMembers('TestPlanIssueKey','TestCycleName','NA') | Searches all 'NA' Test Case members from specified Test Cycle. |
4 | issue in testCycleMembers('TestPlanIssueKey','TestCycleName','Passed') | Searches all 'Passed' Test Case members from specified Test Cycle. |
5 | issue in testCycleMembers('TestPlanIssueKey','TestCycleName','Failed') | Searches all 'Failed' Test Case members from specified Test Cycle. |
6 | issue in testCycleMembers('TestPlanIssueKey','TestCycleName','Blocked') | Searches all 'Blocked' Test Case members from specified Test Cycle. |
Below are some of the sample usages of testersOfCycle JQL function.
The following operators are available for testersOfCycle JQL function: =; !=; is not; is; not in; in
Please note that this JQL is developed to use in Test Cycle page only.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | testerOfCycle = <username> | Searches the test executions assigned to the given Jira user. |
2 | testersOfCycle = currentUser() | Searches the test executions assigned to the current Jira user. |
Below are some of the sample usages of resultsOfCycle() JQL function.
The following operators are available for resultsOfCycle() JQL function: =; !=; is not; is; not in; in
Please note that this JQL is developed to use in Test Cycle page only.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | resultsOfCycle = <result> | Searches the test executions with given test result. |
2 | resultsOfCycle in ("Result1","Result2") | Searches the test executions with given test results. |
Below are some of the sample usages of testersOfCycle() JQL function.
Please note that this JQL is developed to use in Test Cycle page only.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in testersOfCycle("username") | Searches the test executions assigned to the given Jira user. |
2 | issue in testersOfCycle("username1","username2") | Searches the test executions assigned to the given Jira users. |
Below are some of the sample usages of resultsOfCycle() JQL function.
Please note that this JQL is developed to use in Test Cycle page only.
ID | Usage | Description |
1 | issue in resultsOfCycle("Result") | Searches the test executions with given test result. |
2 | issue in resultsOfCycle("Result1","Result2") | Searches the test executions with given test results. |