(9.9-en) Test Run Status
(9.9-en) Test Run Status
This page helps user to customize test run status, user is allowed to add new test run status or disable the system default ones.
- The following system default test run status are not allowed to be deleted: Passed, Failed, Blocked, Not Tested, NA
- User is allowed to rename system default test run status
- User is only allowed to disable & enable the following system default test run status: Passed, Failed, Blocked, NA
- 'Not Tested' is initial status of any test run, it is NOT allowed to delete & be disabled
- If a test run status has already been updated to test runs, disable the test run status will NOT impact current result and report output, the status will not be available for any new created test runs
- If a test run status has already been updated to test runs, delete the test run status will require migrating previous results to a new test run status
- User is allowed to set category (Executed & Not Executed) of any test run status except 'Not Tested'
To configure test run status, follow these steps:
- Click "Administration->Add-ons" from the main menu.
- Click the "Test Run Status" link from the left panel under the "SYNAPSERT" section.
- Specify values to below fields:
- Status
- Description
- Category
- Color (You can either fill color code manually, for example: #0000EE = Blue, or click on the color pane to choose color)
- Click "Add" button.
[Screenshot - UG_AD07_Status_Customize_01]
Once the new test run status is added, the status will be available in any test run window for your selection during test execution.
Any user created test run status can be deleted by clicking "Delete" icon follow that particular status.
The deleting process will require migrating existing results to any other one.
User can reorder test run status in the list, it will be reflected in result list during test execution and also in gadgets/reports.
, multiple selections available,