(9.9-en) Run Attribute

(9.9-en) Run Attribute

In 'Run Attribute' tab, user can define additional fields and values which can be selected by Tester during test run. It will provide more information for test run along with other run attributes like Defect, Attachement and Comments etc.


  1. 'Run Attribute' tab is only available for 'Test Lead' role
  2. Only maximum of 2 run attributes are allowed to be created
  3. Run attribute is project basis data, it will only be available for the current Jira project where it is created

Defining Run Attribute

Before a run attribute can be used in any test run, the run attribute and its values must be defined. To define a run attribute, please following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Test Plans" panel from the "Project Overview" page
  2. Switch to "Run Attribute" tab
  3. Specify "Attribute Name" in the textbox and then click the "Add" button

[Screenshot - Run_Attribute_Define_Attribute]

Once a run attribute is defined, you can now create values for the run attribute:

  1. Find the run attribute just created
  2. Specify "Value" in the textbox and click the "Add" button
  3. You can keep going to create multiple values for that particular run attribute

[Screenshot - Run_Attribute_Define_Value]

Selecting 'Run Attribute' values in Test Run

Once the run attribute is defined in 'Run Attribute' tab, the defined run attribute will be visible in any Test Run from this project. Tester can set the values as additional execution information during test execution.

[Screenshot - Run_Attribute_Set_Value_in_Test_Run]