(9.9-en) Upto ver 6.x
- Former user (Deleted)
SYNAPSERT-1173 "Create Requirement" from synapseRT dashboard doesn't work.
SYNAPSERT-1119 Got 500 error when create "Test Suite" from "SynapseRT Configuration" page.
SYNAPSERT-1175 Search by "Filter" doesn’t work.
SYNAPSERT-1176 Error "Error rendering 'testcasesteps_field'" presents in exported excel file.
SYNAPSERT-1178 The behavior is just opposite when "Enable synapseRT cross-project" option is "On" and "Off".
SYNAPSERT-1174 Bug links are gone once the test plan is closed.
SYNAPSERT-1167 Start Test Plan removes all test cases instead of creating subtests
SYNAPSERT-1119 Got 500 error when create "Test Suite" from "SynapseRT Configuration" page.
SYNAPSERT-1113 Redundant "Status" present in "Test Case Planning" page if search by filter.
SYNAPSERT-1173 "Create Requirement" from synapseRT dashboard doesn't work.
SYNAPSERT-1119 Got 500 errorwhencreate "Test Suite" from "SynapseRT Configuration" page.
SYNAPSERT-1175 Search by "Filter" doesn’t work.
SYNAPSERT-1176 Error "Error rendering 'testcasesteps_field'" presents in exported excel file.
SYNAPSERT-1178 The behavior is just opposite when "Enable synapseRT cross-project" option is "On" and "Off".
SYNAPSERT-1174 Bug links are gone once the test plan is closed.
SYNAPSERT-1167 Start Test Plan removes all test cases instead of creating subtests
SYNAPSERT-1119 Got 500 errorwhencreate "Test Suite" from "SynapseRT Configuration" page.
SYNAPSERT-1113 Redundant "Status" present in "Test Case Planning" page if search byfilter.
SYNAPSERT-1128 - Failing test case in one test plan changes test case state in another test plan
SYNAPSERT-1059 - Rani - test steps reorders wrong steps
SYNAPSERT-1142 - Unable to drag test case step when editing test case
SYNAPSERT-1143 - Would like to be able to copy test case step
SYNAPSERT-1124 - Test Step tab in test plan need to filter based on "All states"
SYNAPSERT-1130 - JIRA slowness while updating custom fields
SYNAPSERT-1135 - Test Plan gadget won't work with error if a Test Plan with "CLOSED" status exists in project
SYNAPSERT-1160 - "Test Case State" displays wrong value in closed Test Plan.
[SYNAPSERT-1098] - Ticket information for both "Test Case" and "Requirement" is missing from TRACEABILITY grid.
[SYNAPSERT-1026] - Error rendering … message presents for custom fields "Test Case Results" and "Parent".
[SYNAPSERT-1129] - In Test Suites Management, JIRAProject field shows list of $project.getName()
[SYNAPSERT-1103] - Capital letter "R" should be used for synapseRT report.
[SYNAPSERT-1071] - Filter field in editing issues does not work
[SYNAPSERT-865] - TEST CASES SUMMARY page displaying incorrect data
[SYNAPSERT-957] - SugarCRM Lead - Rani Mantripragada - Support Queries
[SYNAPSERT-960] - Issue Coverage in Activity section is missing
[SYNAPSERT-962] - Test steps fieldscannotbe scale out to fit text and the fields do not display any “space” symbols like “tab”, “return”, etc.
[SYNAPSERT-974] - Unable to add bug from different projects.
[SYNAPSERT-977] - Edit icon for "Test Case Details" field cannot present every time from "Issue Details" page.
[SYNAPSERT-979] - Test case statistics in closed Test Plan is wrong.
[SYNAPSERT-980] - Query function is missingafterswitch to "Tree" mode from "Line" mode.
[SYNAPSERT-988] - "Bugs" dropdown cannot be collapsed anymore once it is opened.
[SYNAPSERT-989] - Test case steps are not getting copied when a test caseiscloned
[SYNAPSERT-990] -Hidding "SEARCH PANEL" doesn't work well.
[SYNAPSERT-991] - Clicking on "Bugs for 'Requirement'" icon one more time makes one more window loaded.
[SYNAPSERT-994] - Test Case Word Export has reversed test case steps
[SYNAPSERT-996] - It is sometimes hard to activate edit button for Test Case Steps
[SYNAPSERT-998] - [Compatibility Issue][IE11 ONLY] Bad UI in "Test Case Summary" page.
[SYNAPSERT-999] - Test Case Steps field interferes with View Issue screen
[SYNAPSERT-1002] - any text field in Test case steps contains special characters like "+", "&", "%" etc, it won't allow users to save actual results and status
[SYNAPSERT-1005] - "Requirement Planning" page: Redundant field "Test Suites" presents in "SEARCH PANEL".
[SYNAPSERT-1006] - (Query) Text value will be invisible after switching backfromother tab.
[SYNAPSERT-1007] - SEARCH PANEL: Escape code is present in filter texts.
[SYNAPSERT-1021] - Issue link cannot be createdautomaticallywhencreate "Bug" from "Test Case".
[SYNAPSERT-1024] - [Compatibility][IE9] - Duplicated UI component presents in a Test Plan issue under "Test Cases" tab.
[SYNAPSERT-1030] - Code line is displayedastooltip in Test Plans panel.
[SYNAPSERT-1034] - User is not able to create Test Suite in a new created JIRA project.
[SYNAPSERT-1047] - "Requirement Planning" page doesn't work.
[SYNAPSERT-1000] - No Test plan gadget is displayed when "Test Plans to follow" field is left blank
[SYNAPSERT-958] - Replace console.log in the Javascript files to Log them only with debug mode
[SYNAPSERT-824] - Subtests are not being updated on requirements
[SYNAPSERT-1003] - Ron support on Bugs created from Test Cases
[SYNAPSERT-1008] - Cloning an issue - test steps are not copied
[SYNAPSERT-1033] - Go2Group Synapse RT Jira MenuItemnot showing
[SYNAPSERT-653] - "Clean Subtests" buttonworksincorrectlly
[SYNAPSERT-744] - User should be able to see only the projects that they have permission to view
[SYNAPSERT-762] - Flowofbugintest suite.
[SYNAPSERT-764] - Bugwithlist of requirements/test cases etc.inbody field.
[SYNAPSERT-890] - Changing the test case state after closure the test plan
[SYNAPSERT-948] - Issue with Test Suites Creation
[SYNAPSERT-954] - Color of closed Test Plan atTracebility dashboard
[SYNAPSERT-983] - Fail to create a bug from "Test Case" with error "Invalid value 'urls.isReqsTCValu' passedforcustomfield 'Requirement'."
[SYNAPSERT-984] - Query by "All Users" doesn't work anymore after switching backfromother query.
[SYNAPSERT-987] - Child tests (sub-tests) of test cases added to a test plan are not created on starting the test plan.
[SYNAPSERT-658] - Bugs created in test cases has the wrong assignee
[SYNAPSERT-853] - Create a new user interface to create Test Suite
[SYNAPSERT-868] - Adding a test suite from project panel displays 'Navigation Warning'
[SYNAPSERT-871] - Search Panel onTraceablilty shows 'All Issues' for all the search fields
[SYNAPSERT-706] - Priority not shown for stories in test plan table
[SYNAPSERT-874] - Confusing Interface - Test Plan has an issue tab panel named 'Test Plan'
[SYNAPSERT-895] - Debug/trace log statements are logged as errors in plugin version
[SYNAPSERT-963] - Error in active objectforpsql
[SYNAPSERT-931] - Enhancement: Should move "Closed" Test Plan to the bottom of page.
[SYNAPSERT-933] - There is no page selection function when switch Test Case display mode to "Line" in Test Plan
[SYNAPSERT-934] - In Test Suites/Test Plans panel,thereis no tooltips associated with ticket ID (Requirement, Bug).
[SYNAPSERT-936] - Inconsistency issue for test case "ORDER BY" function in "Line" mode in a Test Plan.
[SYNAPSERT-938] - There are no default issue icons for different issue types created by synapseRT
[SYNAPSERT-939] - Query function is missing for "Tree"modewhenaddtest case in a Test Plan.
[SYNAPSERT-941] - No data is present for generalstatisticscross Test Plans.
[SYNAPSERT-942] - "Restore defaults" doesn't work in test plan panel from test case details page.
[SYNAPSERT-943] - Escape code is present for Parent ticket.
[SYNAPSERT-951] -Theseis no tooltip for Parent Test Caseissuekey.
[SYNAPSERT-952] - SubTest: The value of "Description" is not generated in "Test Case Steps" field.
[SYNAPSERT-971] - Images for synapseRT issues (Test Case, SubTest, Test Plan and Requirement) cannot be loaded.
[SYNAPSERT-997] - [Compatibility Issue][JIRA 6.0.8 ONLY] "Test Case Steps" module doesn't work.
[SYNAPSERT-588] - Configurable attributes for SynapseRT screens / masks
[SYNAPSERT-521] - Make Defect coverage issue panel for Requirements customizable
[SYNAPSERT-522] - Make Defect coverage issue panel for Test Cases customizable
[SYNAPSERT-523] - Make Requirement issue panel customizable
[SYNAPSERT-524] - Make Test Case coverage issue panel for Requirements customizable
[SYNAPSERT-525] - Make Test Case issue panel customizable
[SYNAPSERT-531] - Make Defect coverage issue panel for Requirements orderable
SYNAPSERT-532] - Make Defect coverage issue panel for Test Cases orderable
[SYNAPSERT-533] - Make Requirement issue panel orderable
[SYNAPSERT-534] - Make Test Case coverage issue panel for Requirements orderable
[SYNAPSERT-535] - Make Test Case issue panel orderable
[SYNAPSERT-578] - Improve UI on "Job Management" setup screen
[SYNAPSERT-579] - Improve UI on "synapseRT Dashboard Configuration" setup screen
[SYNAPSERT-572] - synapseRT links Subtest's State to a Test Plan
[SYNAPSERT-574] - Custom field error design is broken onEdit screen.
[SYNAPSERT-580] - Page with Test Suites doesn't load when DB contains big number of data
[SYNAPSERT-558] - When linking Test Cases to Requirements Test Cases are showing linked in Edit mode when they really shouldn't be
[SYNAPSERT-559] - Edit field is missing while trying to edit linked Test Cases or Requirements
[SYNAPSERT-566] - SubTests (added using addTestCaseToTestPlanServlet) disappear from Test Plan after Workflow button(s) press
[SYNAPSERT-569] - Cannot change the subtest state manually after updatingitprogramatically
[SYNAPSERT-570] - Refresh button updates just the test case statistics without refreshing the test plan table
[SYNAPSERT-563] - Test Plans on Traceability
[SYNAPSERT-576] - Improve UI on "synapseRT Configuration" setup screen
[SYNAPSERT-539] - Checkthatapostroph sign arrives at all synapseRT fields, tabs, gadgets and dashboards properly
[SYNAPSERT-552] - Test Plan update via REST takes too much time
[SYNAPSERT-556] - Paginatordesignbrokes at three-digit numbers of pages
[SYNAPSERT-551] - synapseRT custom fields cause the hanging of the issue edit page
[SYNAPSERT-552] - Test Plan update via REST takes too much time
[SYNAPSERT-554] - SynapseRT Test Case de/selector does not actually unselects Test Cases as ordered
[SYNAPSERT-555] - Subtests are no longer created