(9.8-en) Clone a Test Cycle
(9.8-en) Clone a Test Cycle
Clone a Test Cycle allows you to create a new Test Cycle with a group of test cases in a certain test result, it helps user to re-execute Test Case Runs those are "Failed" or "Blocked" (or with other results) in a new created Test Cycle. Test Case Runs only in selected results will be presented in cloned Test Cycle.
To clone a Test Cycle, following below steps:
- Launch a Test Plan issue.
- Click the "Gear" icon.
- Click "Clone" from the dropdown.
- In "Clone Test Cycle" dialog, update "Name."
- Check "Clone only Test Runs with Result" check box, then choose "Results" those will be cloned.
- Click "Clone" button.
Note: Test Case Runs ONLY in selected results will be duplicated in the new Test Cycle.
Test Case Runs' result is initialized to "Not Tested" in new Test Cycle.
[Screenshot - UG82_Test_Plan_issue_Clone_Test_Cycle_01]
[Screenshot - UG82_Test_Plan_issue_Clone_Test_Cycle_02]
, multiple selections available,