(9.8-en) Requirements Page
(9.8-en) Requirements Page
Requirements page is created by synapseRT for the team to centrally manage all requirements in a project. All requirements in the project will be listed here including the requirement hierarchy.
The user is allowed to group requirement issues into folder structure by creating a requirement suite.
Note: all requirement issues those are not located in any requirement suite will be listed in 'Uncategorized' section.
Below actions can be done when the user is working on this page:
- Create requirement suite
- (9.8-en) Create Child Requirement from Any Requirement in The List
- (9.8-en) Link Existing Requirement as a Child to Requirement in The List
- Drag and drop to reorder requirements in the list
- Drag & drop to rebuild requirement hierarchy
- (9.8-en) Remove Relationships between Requirements
- Read Test Case coverage information from a requirement
- Read Test Plan coverage information from a requirement
- Find requirements need to be displayed on the page with various filter options
- (9.8-en) Export Requirements
[Screenshot - UG90_Requirements_Panel_Overview]