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(9.1-en) synapseRT REST API

    Rest API interaction is performed by sending and receiving requests using URL-parameters. The upcoming URL is the following: http://localhost:8080/jira/rest/synapse-rest/1.0/setState?issueKey=SYNAPSETEST-14&newState=Passed

    This action sets the state to a particular Test Case through rest API service.
Incoming parameters are:
issueKey – the key of Test Case (example: SYNAPSETEST-14)
newState – the new state for Test Case (can be: Passed, Can’t Test, In Progress, Failed)

    ChangeStateTCByTPServlet recives the upcoming URL:
    These endpoint is needed to perform operation of changing Test Case State for the set of Test Cases that are included into the particular Test Plan. As the response result the Test Case State is changed.
    Incoming parameters are:
testPlanKey – the key of Test Plan (example: SYNAPSETEST-14)
Test Case key (example: SYNAPSE-15) that can be Passed, Failed, Can’t Test, In Progress. You can update a set of Test Cases in the test plan by providing states for each.

    ManageTestSuitesServlet recives the upcoming URL:
    This endpoint performs the management of test suite in the terms of particular project.
Incoming parameters are:
testSuiteName – the name of Test Suite (example: OldTestSuite)
newTestSuiteName – the new name of Test Suite (example: NewTestSuite)
action – you want to perform (can be: update, create, delete)
projectKey – the key of the Project you are adding Test Suite (example: SYNAPSE)


    AddTestCaseToTestPlanServlet recives the upcoming URL:
    This endpoint gives possibility to add a set of existing Test Cases to the specific Test Plan
Incoming parameters are:
testPlanKey – the key of Test Plan (SYNAPSE-25)
testCaseKey – the key of Test Case (SYNAPSE-15)

    GenerateOptionsServlet recieves the upcoming URL:
    This endpoint gives possibility to create an option for custom fields Test Case, Test Suite, Requirement. This is needed if you want to create new Test Cases / Test Suites / Requirements automatically and use them in synapseRT related custom fields.
    Incoming parameters are:
value – for Test Suite, this is the name of Test Suite, for Test Case and Requirement, this is the Test Case or Requirement key
type – the custom field type (could be req for Requirements, tc for Test Cases, ts for Test Suites)

   GetSubtestByTCTPServlet recieves the upcoming URL:
    These endpoint is needed to get the Subtest of particular Test Case for the specific Test Plan.
Incoming parameters are:
testPlanKey – the key of Test Plan (SYNAPSE-25)
testCaseKey – the key of Test Case (SYNAPSE-15)