(9.1-en) Integration Settings
(9.1-en) Integration Settings
This page helps user to integrate synapseRT with CI tools including Jenkins and Bamboo. Once user configured the integration by adding application, user then can (9.1-en) Map Automation Tests to synapseRT Test Cases and (9.1-en) Trigger Job/Plan from Test Cycle.
To complete integration settings between synapseRT and CI tools, follow these steps:
- Click "Administration->Add-ons" from the main menu.
- Click the "Integration" link from the left panel under the "SYNAPSERT" section.
- Click "Add" button.
- Choose Jenkins/Bamboo from "Type" dropdown
- Specify below information and click "Add" button
- Name: enter a unique name to refer this application
- URL: enter the Base URL of the application (please read below on how to find Base URL from your server)
- User: enter the user name used for authenticating with the application
Note: The user must have 'Admin' permission to trigger the job/plan that you want to trigger from synapseRT
- Password: enter the password used for authenticating with the application
Once an application is added correctly, user can use it at Test Cycle page to create & trigger job/plan.
[Screenshot - UG_AT02_v86_Automation_Integration_Add]
[Screenshot - UG_AT03_v86_Automation_Integration_Done]
Find Jenkins Base URL
- Login Jenkins server
- Navigate to: Manage Jenkins->Configure System
- Jenkins Base URL displayed as "Jenkins URL" in "Jenkins Location" section
[Screenshot - UG_AT04_v86_Automation_Jenkins_Base_URL]
Find Bamboo Base URL
- Click theicon in the Bamboo header and choose Overview.
- Click General Configuration (under "System"), in the left navigation panel.
- You will find Bamboo Base URL from Base URL field.
[Screenshot - UG_AT05_v86_Automation_Bamboo_Base_URL]
, multiple selections available,