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(9.2-en) FAQ



How to import test cases with multiple steps to JIRA/SynapseRT

Q: We are considering using synapseRT for our QA processes. We are currently using Greenhopper - do the two play well together?

A: The two play fine together - they dont step on each others toes. The rest is just how you use them both, as synapseRT is more test cases centric and Greenhopper is more Agile centric.


Q: How do you integrate synapseRT with GreenHopper?

A: You can integrate synapseRT with GreenHopper by mapping GreenHopper requirements to synapseRT. You have to declare your requirement issues types as Epics / Stories in synapseRT so synapseRT can pick them up from GreenHopper.

There is one trick though. Stories are regular issues with GreenHopper, so if you intend to use Story as a sub-requirement in synapseRT, you would need to create a Story subtask issue type.


Q: Do I need to use your issue types? We already implemented our own requirements issue type (with a lot of requirements entered).

A: No, you can use your own issue types for the requirement issue type. Please be sure that the custom fields are added to your JIRA screens.


Q: Can I add test steps to a test case?

A: Yes! You can either add them to the description or use custom fields, depending on your specific needs.


Q: How do I report the results of the test runs?

A: The results can be viewed either as a JIRA filter or by navigating to the synapseRT traceability dashboard. The resulting traceability provides a quick guide to pass, fail, and in-progress test runs.


Q: Will the test results remain available for each test run?

A: Test results are available for each run, and can be referenced over time for a historical view.


Q: How do I execute a test run against a specific version?

A: You may use our custom workflow post-functions, along with the Requirement Planning and the Test Case Planning dashboards in synapseRT.

Your organization likely has its own business logic and workflow. In this case, you can use specific post-functions that can interact with the internal Test Case field, allowing you to configure your unique workflow around specific state transitions.

The Planning dashboards honor your organization's worfklow, passing and failing tests against a specific version becomes a simple process of dragging and dropping the test case from one workflow state to the other.


Q: Are the SynapseRT custom fields all JQL-searchable?

A: Yes


Q: Basic workflow for a tester: where do they start, how do they report pass/fail, etc.

A: We have 2 workflows: automatic and manual for the test cases. Here is the additional info on usage:


Q: Can we create custom reports (like PDFs), or should they just export issues via the basic search exporter?

A: All your custom reports can be extendable for xls or doc or pdf format with appropriate plugin. As for synapseRT dashboards - some of them can be exported in xml


Q: How to create a test suite:

A: It is pretty easy, there are 2 panels for test suit modification: project panel and admin panel. In project panel you can create, update and delete test suites related to the project, in admin panel you can do the same + work with test suites for project category and global test suites. Please find for details


Q: The ‘Regression Test Suite’ (Global) is not available under all the projects. What does ‘Global’ mean in this context?

A: The global test suites should be availible at all projects. But if you open test suites project tab - you will see regression test for that project only. The global means that the test suite will exist in all projects - with different set of test cases. If you create a project test suite Sprint One for example, this test suite will not be availible in the other projects, but if you create a global test suite Sprint One - it will be availible in all projects, but it will contain test cases of the project you watch.


Q: Did not find an option to move/copy the existing testcases from a test suite to another. For example, I have 250 testcases in Test suite ‘Sprint-1’, I want to execute the same in 'Sprint-2' as well. Where is the option to perform this action?

A: Test suite is normal Jira custom field. If you want to add all test cases from one test suite to the other test suite you can use bulk change - search for test suite Sprint One, then press tools - bulk change in the issue navigator, press "update issue" button, then select Sprint Two for a Test Suite custom field and update values.


Q: When I create a new Test Suite, can I maintain my Test cases as a folder structure using the synapseRT plugin? This gives more visibility to the Leads/QA managers to categorise the test cases module-vise.

A: Test Suites don't support tree hierarchy. You can use a parent field in the Test Case to arrange Test Cases into hierarchy and easyly select them after you have proper one. If you want to see the tree of test cases you can use Test Case Summary dashboard for synapseRT 5.0. The movement of test cases can be done with a usage of Test Case Planning dashboard when you select a Test Suite order.


Q: What are the actions a project admin can perform v/s a JIRA System Admin? I found Test Suite and Test plan. Are there any other actions?

A: For project admin you can see Test Plan and Test Suite tabs. all users who can browse can see the issue tabs. The synapseRT Dashboards can be seen by jira admin and set of groups you select at the Dashboard Configuration


Q: What are the actions a QA team member can perform in SynapseRT?

A: QA can edit test cases, progress transitions on them, if QA added to gadget access he can use the dashboards for quick changes of test cases assigned to him (GH like).


Q: Can you please help me understand the use of a TEST PLAN?

A: The test plans is one more way to re-use the test cases. You can create a test plan, attach a set of test cases to it, execute the test cases (set them failed, passed), then close the test plan. Once you closed the test plan the test case information such as summary, state, their requirements / defects list will be stored forever within the jira database under the test plan tab. Feel free to change test case then - that will not affect to the test plan information. You can find the test plan runs info under the test case Test Plan tab.
In synapseRT 5.0 there is a new way for Test Plan usage: you can automatically create SubTests instances once you add test case to the test plan. This instances are independant and contain information for this test plan only. That will allow you to execute one test case in parallel in different test plans - i.e. execute test plan for windows environment and for linux, or for different browsers for web application.


Q: What Reports can I generate from SynapseRT? Like Testcase coverage report / % testcase Passed, Failed, etc

A: There are 4 gadgets at synapseRT 5.0 that will allow to see graphs in the dashboard - they are: Test Case Coverage, Requirement Burndown, Test Case Execution for release, Test Case Execution for test plans. Also you can include synapseRT fields in different jira reports that they can support.


Q: What is difference between ‘Status’ v/s ‘Test Case State’?

A: The status and Test Case State are different things. Status is the jira issue status that allows you to move through transition, Test Case State is the main field for synapseRT Metrics to check if the Test was failed, passed or still in progress. As for test project with synapseRT automatic workflow - we have similar values for statuses and test case states - but if you have different workflow for your test cases -  the tabs will be different. Also the automatization of workflow to set test case via transition is provided by synapseRT with the postfunction


Q: Did not find an option to delete the ‘Test Suite’ created. Can the project Admin create and delete it or again it is System admin access?

A:  On Test Suite project tab there is the option 'Delete' right above the update. Please mention that project admins can delete only project test suites, not the global or category ones


Q: How can I import my test cases from an excel to SynapseRT? Or from a legacy tool like ‘Test link’ to SynapseRT?

A: You can import your test cases as normal jira issues using csv import feature provided by jira importers plugin. If you need a link for requirement - test cases - it could be done using the script we can provide you. Or we can do the migration for you.