Document toolboxDocument toolbox

(9.8-en) Version 8.3

New Features:

More flexibility with 'Test Plan + Test Cycle' approach

  • Add/Remove Test Cases with reference to its Test Plan Members in any 'DRAFT' Test Cycle
  • Allowed to reorder Test Runs at Test Cycle level
  • Clone a Test Cycle will only bring the selected state Test Runs (e.g. Failed&Blocked Test Runs)

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Test Case import/export from Test Suites page

  • Import Test Cases to JIRA project from Test Suites panel (with Test Suite information)
  • Import Test Cases to any Test Suite (with Test Suite information)
  • Export Test Cases from any Test Suite (with Test Suite information)

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Move/copy Test Suites/Test Cases across root Test Suite

It helps user to move/copy either Test Cases only, or with Test Case hierarchy to other Test Suite in the project

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Make Test Case Steps to support Rich Text Editing

It helps user using wiki markup to do advanced editing on texts

Run Test Case without Test Plan - Add hoc test execution

It helps user to do a quick execution of a Test Case outside of any Test Plan & Test Cycle

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Add 3 more new gadgets

  • Test Case Executions by Tester: A table to displays all Test Case executions by Tester
  • Defects Statistics per Test Cycle/s: A table to displays all 'Bugs' and related Test Cases
  • Test Runs Assigned to Me: A list to display all 'Not Tested' and 'Blocked' Test Runs assigned to me

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Add two new reports: Requirement Coverage Report and Ad Hoc Test Run Report

  • Requirement Coverage Report: This report shows the passed percentage of the Test Cases related to Requirements
  • Ad Hoc Test Run Report: This report will show test result from adhoc Test Case executions

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Replace Google Charts with ChartJS and make it support offline usage

We replaced Google Charts with ChartJS, now charts can be accessed without problem even without internet access (a limitation with Google Charts)

Parent Requirement to display the Test Cases and Defects aggregated from all its children (Requirements)

  • In Requirement issue, Test Case Coverage will be combined with its direct associated Test Cases and Test Cases those are associated to its children
  • In Traceability matrix, Parent Requirement will display Test Cases and Defects aggregated from its children

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Add one more export option to export Traceability Matrix and keep its matrix view

It helps user to generate a Excel report with matrix view for offline usage

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UI improvements on Traceability matrix

  • Add more issue attributes: Type, Priority and Status
  • Add 'Hierarchy' icon to let user check Requirement hierarchy

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Add new feature to export Requirement

It helps user to export Requirement with its hierarchy and Test Case information

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Add new JQL function to find test cases from any Test Suite including sub Test Suite

Example: project = "Flight Reservation System" AND issue in testSuite("Flight Reservation System/Purchase Ticket/Credit Card Validation")

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Add 'Start Date' and 'End Date' information for each 'Test Cycle'

You can specific 'Start Date' and 'End Date' when you create a Test Cycle for test execution.

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More configuration options

  • Enable/disable 'Test Data' for Test Case: configure it to display one more column "Test Data" for "Test Step" section in a Test Case issue
  • Maximum limit to Import Test Cases: configure the maximum limit of Test Case importing
  • Maximum Issue Result: configure the maximum limit of issues to be displayed in your issue picker

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Localization support for Japanese language

Localized version of Japanese language is available in release 8.3!

Release Notes


  • SYNAPSENG-950 [Manage REQs][Improvement]: There should have tooltip for 'Error' and 'Warning' icons.
  • SYNAPSENG-947 [Manage REQs][Improvement]: the default page size should be 25 requirements.
  • SYNAPSENG-942 [Improvement][Customer]: Update test format in SynapseRT Report to make it more clear.
  • SYNAPSENG-927 Import Test case functionality to be available in Test Suites
  • SYNAPSENG-918 [SynapseRT Reports]: It is better to use bubble instead of point in the Requirement Coverage Report chart.
  • SYNAPSENG-916 Develop UpgradeTask for 8.3 to handle the Sequence Balancer data Issue at 8.2 Upgrade
  • SYNAPSENG-913 [SynapseRT Reports]: Add one more strategy for user to choose 'Test Cycle' to generate Requirement Coverage Report.
  • SYNAPSENG-903 [Ad hoc Test Run]: 'Execute' directly instead of 'Create' -> 'Execute'.
  • SYNAPSENG-902 Develop a report for 'Ad hoc Test Run'.
  • SYNAPSENG-867 [Gadget][Improvement]: Better to use 'Test Run ID' instead of issue key in gadget 'Test Run Assigned to Me'.
  • SYNAPSENG-863 [Gadget][Improvement]: There should be an option 'Number of Results' for gadget 'Test Run Assigned to Me'.
  • SYNAPSENG-860 [Test Case]: Better to use 'Test Data' as header name instead of 'Step Data'.
  • SYNAPSENG-794 [Manage REQs]: We should provide 'Page size' and 'Pagination' options in the panel.
  • SYNAPSENG-771 [Customer Reported]: synapseRT - Run test case without test plan (ad hoc test runs)
  • SYNAPSENG-759 [Manage REQs]: Add a filter option to list test plans those want to be shown in 'Test Case Coverage Details' dialog.
  • SYNAPSENG-740 [Manage REQs]: Able to export requirements from the page.
  • SYNAPSENG-722 Develop a new gadget "Test Runs Assigned to Me" for our plugin.
  • SYNAPSENG-709 Import/Export test case functionality(From test suite)
  • SYNAPSENG-707 [Customer Reported]: 'Start Date' & 'End Date' information for each test cycle.
  • SYNAPSENG-702 Add support to add test cases across projects in a Test Plan.
  • SYNAPSENG-700 Develop a new gadget "Defects Statistics per Test Cycle/s" for our plugin.
  • SYNAPSENG-699 Develop a new gadget "Test Case Executions by Tester" for our plugin.
  • SYNAPSENG-695 We need show up Issue Types/Status/Priority information in 'Traceability' matrix.
  • SYNAPSENG-693 New SynapseRT Report - Requirement Coverage Report
  • SYNAPSENG-687 Add more flexibility to 'test plan + test cycle' approach.
  • SYNAPSENG-684 Allow user to add/configure one more column 'Test Data' for 'Test Step' section.
  • SYNAPSENG-678 [Customer Reported] Add JQL function to find test cases those are nested in any 'sub-suite'.
  • SYNAPSENG-677 [Customer Reported] Add 'Expand All'/'Collapse All' function when user open a test suite from 'Test Suites' panel.
  • SYNAPSENG-674 [Customer Reported]: Able to move/copy test cases/test suites across 'basic test suite'.
  • SYNAPSENG-665 Develop localized version of SynapseRT NextGen plugin - JPN
  • SYNAPSENG-638 Requirement Reporting - Chapter based report document
  • SYNAPSENG-633 Parent requirement to display the Test Cases and Defects aggregated from all its Children
  • SYNAPSENG-618 R&D on alternate charting tool to replace Google Charts in our product
  • SYNAPSENG-614 [Customer Reported] Traceability between parent and children requirement
  • SYNAPSENG-517 Add unique "Test Case Run ID" so that user is able to navigate to "Test Case Run" dialog to check test result.
  • SYNAPSENG-473 [Traceability]: Export traceability matrix to other format to keep matrix view.
  • SYNAPSENG-472 Present requirement hierarchy in traceability matrix.
  • SYNAPSENG-455 User is not able to activate "Edit Mode" by clicking the content in text box.
  • SYNAPSENG-437 Bulk operation - No warning message
  • SYNAPSENG-415 Linkage should be retained if convert issues to non 'synapseRT Issue Types'
  • SYNAPSENG-338 Make Google services offline for synapseRT NG.
  • SYNAPSENG-201 Test Plan Member : Reorder over pagination
  • SYNAPSENG-73 Testcase Steps to support Rich Text Editing

Bug Fixes:

  • SYNAPSENG-997 [Test Plan]: Bug number in 'Defect trend in last 30 days' and 'Defects by user in last 30 days' is wrong when same bug appears in multiple Test Case Run.
  • SYNAPSENG-989 [Test Cycle][Customer]: Delete a Test Case from JIRA cause Test Cycle and Test Cycle Report don't work correctly.
  • SYNAPSENG-928 [Test Plan]: The colored blocks in "Execution Status" column are not aligned well if some Test Case is not executed in all Test Cycles.
  • SYNAPSENG-925 [L10N-CHS]: Linguistic issues need to be fixed in v8.3
  • SYNAPSENG-923 [Test Run]: Multiple history records are created after doing 'Bulk update'.
  • SYNAPSENG-922 Error rendering Requirement Coverage Panel in Test Plan
  • SYNAPSENG-910 [Test Case]: The cursor is not initialized to 'Step' textbox after a step is added.
  • SYNAPSENG-899 [Test Case]: The ghost texts 'Expected Result' is also cloned when clone a step.
  • SYNAPSENG-898 [Configuration]: Custom fields are not visible until wait several mins after server is up and running.
  • SYNAPSENG-897 [Configuration]: There are some duplicated custom fields created from synpaseRT plugin.
  • SYNAPSENG-887 [Test Case]: Issue type icon is not updated in Test Suite after the Test Case is converted to non Test Case issue.
  • SYNAPSENG-886 [Requirement]: Linkage is gone if convert a child requirement to a non requirement issue type.
  • SYNAPSENG-882 [Import]: 500 error occurs if issue key cannot be found in destination project.
  • SYNAPSENG-880 [Test Run]: Missing a space between 'Executed on:' and its value.
  • SYNAPSENG-878 [Test Run]: There is no tooltip for 'Add attachment' icon.
  • SYNAPSENG-877 [Test Run][Chrome&IE]: Test step list goes back to the top once step attachment is added.
  • SYNAPSENG-868 [L10N-CHS]: Redundant issue types are created when we switch language from English to Chinese.
  • SYNAPSENG-852 [Test Case]: 'View Test Suite' dialog doesn't work well from 'Test Case issue.
  • SYNAPSENG-841 [L10N-CHS]: SynapseRT entities don't show up for localized issue types.