Generate Ad Hoc Test Run Report
Generate Ad Hoc Test Run Report
As you can create Adhoc Test Run for Test Case quick execution, this report will show test result from adhoc Test Case executions.
- Open a JIRA project
- Click "SynapseRT Reports" from the left navigation panel
- From the list, find "Adhoc Test Run Report"
- Click "Adhoc Test Run Report"
- Specify from the filter options:
- Select "All executions" or "Latest Execution" from "Execution type" dropdown list.
- Choose "Start Date" (Optional)
- Choose "End Date" (Optional)
- JQL (Optional) - Click "Generate Report" button
You can save your selections as an "Report Configuration" to reuse it in the future.
[Screenshot - UG0064_Add_Hoc_Test_Report_Configuration]
[Screenshot - UG0065_Add_Hoc_Test_Report_Result]