(9.2-en) Version 8.7.1
(9.2-en) Version 8.7.1
Release Notes
- SYNAPSENG-2300 [SynapaseRT Reports]: Use 'vs.' for abbreviation of 'versus' in our product.
- SYNAPSENG-2299 [SynapaseRT Reports]: The data should be presented by the order: ORDER BY Date DESC in 'Execution Date wised Report'.
- SYNAPSENG-2294 [Customer][REST API]: Improve the existing API 'GET /rest/synapse/latest/public/testRun/{runID}' to return 'Estimate', 'Forecasting' and 'Effort' values.
- SYNAPSENG-2289 [SynapaseRT Reports][Improvement]: Change 'Executed Date vs Tester Raised Defects' to 'Executed Date vs User Raised Defects'
- SYNAPSENG-2280 [SynapaseRT Reports][Improvement]: We should avoid duplicated defects are listed in the report: Requirement Based Reports / Defects Report.
- SYNAPSENG-2254 [SynapseRT Reports]: We should add tooltips for all dropdown menus to fully display the content/name.
- SYNAPSENG-2213 [SynapaseRT Reports]: The UI of 'Matrix' should be improved.
- SYNAPSENG-2181 [Customer][REST API]: Support 'Test Suite Path' in API 'createTestCase'.
- SYNAPSENG-2179 [Customer][REST API]: Create a new Test Suite.
- SYNAPSENG-2177 [Customer][REST API]: Get Test Suite, Test Reference and Test Plan / Test Cylce information from a Test Case issue.
- SYNAPSENG-2171 [SynapaseRT Reports]: Section title need to be improved.
- SYNAPSENG-2081 [Improvement][My Settings]: Page description for 'Subscriptions' page.
- SYNAPSENG-2076 [Improvement][My Settings]: UI improvement for 'Subscriptions' page.
- SYNAPSENG-2074 [Improvement][My Settings]: Use 'SynapseRT Reports' and 'Test Plans' as module names.
- SYNAPSENG-2072 [Improvement][My Settings]: Page description for 'Filters' page.
- SYNAPSENG-2071 [Improvement][My Settings]: Add 'Search' feature for user to find his filters in the list.
- SYNAPSENG-2069 [Improvement][My Settings]: User should be able to 'remove' filters listed 'Filters' page.
- SYNAPSENG-2016 [Customer][REST API]: Link existing Test Case/s to Test Suite.
Bug Fixes:
- SYNAPSENG-2298 [Customer][Test Suite]: 'Move or Copy' cannot be done if select a parent Sub Test Suite with some child Sub Test Suites inside.
- SYNAPSENG-2297 [Customer][Test Suite]: The new created Test Cases by 'multiple clone' don't present in target Test Suite immediately after the the clone is done.
- SYNAPSENG-2293 [My Settings]: 'Tests' menu is still visible for user who has no 'Browse SynapseRT Panels' permission.
- SYNAPSENG-2251 [Customer][REST API]: Update Test Case from REST API cannot make 'Updates available' icon present for Test Run in Test Cycle.
- SYNAPSENG-2250 [Customer][REST API]: The permission set for "/rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/linkedTestCases" is not proper.
- SYNAPSENG-2195 [SynapaseRT Reports]: The exported report file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
- SYNAPSENG-2191 [Customer][Test Case]: Add Hoc Test Run is read-only for Test Case if there is any 'Resolution' set.
- SYNAPSENG-2189 [Test Case]: 'Test Step' is still editable even after the issue is set to no editable.
- SYNAPSENG-2132 [Customer][Test Plan]: 'Start' option is not visible in Test Cycle workflow if the Test Cycle is created in a Test Plan without any Test Case members.
- SYNAPSENG-2119 [Customer][Permission]: 'SynapseRT Clone' is not visible in a 'Non-Editable' Test Plan for user who has 'Manage Test Plans' permission granted.
- SYNAPSENG-2083 [My Settings]: Textbox label 'Schedule' is displayed as 'CRON expression' when edit an existing subscription.
- SYNAPSENG-2082 [My Settings]: Unfriendly information is displayed in 'Schedule' column.
- SYNAPSENG-1987 [SynapseRT Report]: 'View the Requirements' tooltip is displayed in wrong place in the page.
, multiple selections available,