(9.2-en) Version 9.1.4
(9.2-en) Version 9.1.4
Release Notes
Bug Fixes:
- SYNAPSENG-2641 [Customer][Test Case]: Additional spaces added by customer are lost in 'Test Step' text box.
- SYNAPSENG-2640 [Customer][Test Case]: Line space is lost in 'Test Step' text box.
- SYNAPSENG-2639 [macOS][Test Cycle]: Result bar in 'Test Suite View' gets bigger and bigger until page UI is broken.
- SYNAPSENG-2638 [Customer][Test Case]: Support 'HTML Tag' in 'Test Step' textboxes.
- SYNAPSENG-2624 [Customer][Gadget]: Pie chart name always shows the first test cycle name.
- SYNAPSENG-2616 [Customer][Test Case]: Test Step update activity is not recorded by JIRA native 'Dates/Updated'.
- SYNAPSENG-2159 [Customer][Test Cycle]: UI issue in 'Test Suite View' when browser setting is: Zoom = 100%.
- SRM-215 [SRT Suite]: Non-root level of Requirement issue will completely block 'Link to Requriement Suite' action.
- SRM-152 [REQ Baseline]: Author name will be wrong if there are two JIRA users sharing a same 'email address'.
, multiple selections available,