(9.2-en) Version 8.7.0
(9.2-en) Version 8.7.0
New Features:
A list of new test reports
- Requirement Based Reports: reports can be generated based on the Requirement Vs Test Runs statistics.
- Test Execution Based Reports: reports can be generated based on the Test Execution statistics.
- Execution Date wise Report: reports can be generated based on the Test Execution statistics.
- Defect Matrix Report: report will show the matrix of various parameters of defects.
- Test Suite Report: report will show the Test Suite coverage in Test Cycles.
- Test Case Burndown Report: reports can be generated on Test Case Burndown statistics.
Some examples:
A new SynapseRT menu 'Tester' in JIRA main menu bar
JIRA user is able to manage user settings here
Added serveruser settings feature
- Perferences: JIRA user is able to set the fields to be displayed in Test Run dialog.
- Filter: JIRA user is able to centrally view all 'SynapseRT Filters' created by current user.
- Subscriptions: JIRA user is able to subscrible 'SynapseRT Report' and get auto-emails from SynapseRT.
Release Notes
- SYNAPSENG-2091 Send notifications to subscribed users
- SYNAPSENG-2063 Create Manage Filters page in My settings
- SYNAPSENG-2062 Report Type - Test Case Execution Report
- SYNAPSENG-2051 Test Suite Coverage Report
- SYNAPSENG-2049 Create a Manage Preferences page
- SYNAPSENG-2048 Create a My Setting page
- SYNAPSENG-2047 Create a Subscriptions page to subscribe reports etc
- SYNAPSENG-2046 [Report] Requirement based summary report
- SYNAPSENG-2045 [Report] Defect distribution summary report
- SYNAPSENG-2024 [Customer][Gadget]: We should put '%' symbol into each bracket to make it more user friendly.
- SYNAPSENG-1784 [Customer][Report]: Test Case Burn-down to Show Planned Execution and Actual Execution
- SYNAPSENG-881 Report Type - Defect Matrix Report
Bug Fixes:
- SYNAPSENG-2250 [Customer][REST API]: The permission set for "/rest/synapse/latest/public/requirement/{requirementIssueKey}/linkedTestCases" is not proper.
- SYNAPSENG-2114 [Customer][Integration]: Job is always in 'Running' status and canot be done in Test Cycle page.
- SYNAPSENG-2094 [Test Plans]: 'Save Report Configuration' dropdown works wrong if when try to generate report with invalid options.
, multiple selections available,