

Requests made to TestRay REST API requires to be authenticated. The authorization we use is based on JWT, so you have to use a bearer token.

The REST API base URL for all end point is: http://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl

To generate your JWT, please use the URL "https://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl/rest/testray/latest/public/authenticate" (GET request) with "Basic Authentication" using the API Access Token as username and Shared Secret as password. The validity of the JWT is 5 days from the time of generation.

  • Please add the JWT in "Authorization" header with the value "Bearer Token".

  • Please add a header with key "testray-api-token" and value "<Your API Access Token>" in all subsequent requests.

  • Please add a header with key "testray-api-jirauser" and value "<Your Jira User Id>" in all subsequent requests.

Please find the detailed steps on how to generate an access token from following page: API Access Token




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