Test Case Resource

Test Case Resource

Below are the list of REST APIs we developed related to test case

POST /rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/create/createTestCase

SAMPLE http://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl/rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/create/createTestCase


{ "fields": { "project": {"key": "TAT"}, "summary": "[API] Test Case 1 without Test Suite information", "description": "This Test Case Is Created from REST API, [API] Test Case 1", "issueType": {"name": "Test Case"} }, "testCaseSteps": [ {"step":"It is the first Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the first Test Step", "expectedResult":"It is the Expected Result for the first Test Step"}, {"step":"It is the second Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the second Test Step", "expectedResult":"It is the Expected Result for the second Test Step"} ] }

POST /rest/testray/latest/public/testSuite/createTestCase

SAMPLE http://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl/rest/testray/latest/public/testSuite/createTestCase


{ "fields": { "project": {"key": "TAT"}, "summary": "[API] Test Case 2 with Test Suite information", "description": "This Test Case Is Created from REST API, [API] Test Case 1", "issueType": {"name": "Test Case"} }, "testCaseSteps": [ {"step": "It is the first Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the first Test Step", "expectedResult": "It is the Expected Result for the first Test Step"}, {"step": "It is the second Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the second Test Step", "expectedResult": "It is the Expected Result for the second Test Step"}, {"step": "It is the third Test Step", "stepData": "It is Test Data for the third Test Step", "expectedResult": "It is the Expected Result for the third Test Step"} ], "linkToTestSuite": { "testSuitePath": "TAT Test Suite 1/API Sub Suite 1/API Sub Suite 1-1", "projectKey": "TAT" } }

POST /rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/addSteps

SAMPLE http://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl/rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/TAT-1/addSteps


[ { "step":"1st additional test step added via REST API", "stepData": "1st additional test data added via REST API", "expectedResult":"1st additional expected result added via REST API" }, { "step":"2nd additional test step added via REST API", "stepData": "", "expectedResult":"2nd additional expected result added via REST API" } ]

GET /rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/steps

SAMPLE http://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl/rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/TAT-1/steps


Put /rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/{testCaseIssueKey}/updateStep

SAMPLE http://testray.goldfingerholdings.onl/rest/testray/latest/public/testCase/TAT-1/updateStep


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